
Seriously, shape up

Okay, I've realized I prefer to write in English. So maybe I should. ?
Since I'm not going to study English C next year I might as well work hard at home, right?
Or am I being silly i don't know. So. I've decided (no, this is different from all the other times I've said it) to shape up. Training, school, my blog (lol), my looks, my friends, my economy, family.. Gotta change my way of living and mentally treating myself. It is not healthy. So, ok. Let this be some kind of contract that I am at least going to try my best. Ok. So, if you made it through the whole text you deserve some pictures to look at. It's just me trying to be a fancy model but ok. I did some cool 'sadness' makeup and had some fun time with the webcam if your know what I mean ;D;D;D;D;D

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