
Maybe go training today!! :O

Yess. I'm not joking folks. I maybe go training with Emma today :) That depends on if we can manage that. At least we're going to get a gymcard. It feels pretty wierd as I haven't been there since I was ten. Yes, I actually traind then. We went on this  Junior-thing once a week. Now, we're going to train just a little bit harder. I think we'll start with some kind of dace or just regular condition-training.
  As I hate any sport (especially gym-class!!!) that isn't fastest-typing-on-comuter-competition or MakeUp-race, I don't wanna be in it. But I've realized that it maybe is good to actually train sometimes. OK, I always knew that. But now it's going to be true. But, then I also thought about that it does excist sports that I actually like! Yes, badminton, for example. I like that. AND I like jogging. I don't really know if that counts as a sport but.. ;) And I like swiming. And ... er. Well, that's that.
  Soooo, I guess I'll see you later, and I'll maybe be uploading a new vid later on ;)
HAVE A GOOD SAT!! I will. Even if that means to run after the leader and put my arms in the air. Coz after, I can eat candy! Yam yam :D

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