
+3 C

Uuhh. I was supposed to go training today... But I won't. I have sore throat, and I just soooo tired. Thinkin' about to give my blog a new look today. What you u think?? Later I'm going shopping with Emma, and maybe take a long walk to compensate the training, and at night I'm going to meet Ingrid :) Long time so see! Not.
  It's like +3 degrees outside, and it is the warmest day evuuur this winter. Yes, it's been a hard winter. But, isn't there an end??
  I'd like to have summer.
A pic I took last summer. Blueberry's, yam yam.

Byeee //Mills<3


Amanda said...

Heyy! Det tar superlång tid att smsa dig så jag skriver här och hoppas att du ser det :) skulle vi inte kunna ha filmkväll typ ikväll eller imorgon kväll? :D<3

Amanda said...

HAHAH klibbat! döör!