
yeyy not weekday.. :(

HEY people! I know I've been such a bad blogger latley, but it has been so much. I barley had time to check my facebook and twitter. When I'm home, I just get restless, so I'm not home that often unless it's a weekday and school the day after. And I often get home late after school. I hang out with my friends, looking for clothes.. talking, walking .. :)
Love being around people. I not that much for being alone. The only time I'm alone is when I get home early from school (haven't happened on a long time..), and then I just often turn on the computer and eat something. And then my cat is still home. No, I don't like to be alone. It's kinda boring.
Unless ur making a header for ur blog.. ;)
Talking of headers, I'm about to do one for mine soon :) It's getting boring with that crappy description, right?

Soooo, what did you do at ur weekend??
Me myself, had a very wierd and funny weekend. But also full of frustration ;)
It started very good with nice plans on going out clubbing at friday night.
Me, Ing, Ju, Joh and Am. We were supposed to meet each other at ing's place. Well. Am was going to see a movie at nine, so she wouldn't bee free until eleven. First, Joh called and canceled, and not long time after, Ju called and did the same ting. Later, Ju called again and said that she could. But Joh still coundn't come.
So Me and Ju went to Ing's place. Understand? xD
Well it was not that easy. It took about an HOUR to make it from my mom's place to Ing's. The first subway was full, and the second only went to the station before, were we actually were going to get off. So. We had to take a bus from there. And wait for its arrival. The whole trip would normally take like 15 minutes. They also had to make a police check in one of the carriages on the subway. I just have to call that bad luck.
Anyway, once we were there, we started to fix ourselves, makeup, clothes.. But. Am called and said that she was not going.
Some of us went a little chicken ;) But we were still going.
BUT! Again the bad luck found us. Ju's dad called and she had to go home.
And then ing and I felt like it was no idea.
So we went home to my mother's house, dumped our bags there and went out. We got home at 3.30 and watched a movie.
We went to bed a 5 o'clock. Not good, considering that we were going to have a party at saturday and had to go shopping during the day x)
Saturday was much more "good luck", if you say so, even if I had a head ache all day long.
I can not tell you about that, it would take too long. ;) But I'll maybe put up some pics later. That depends on if I can get some, cause I did not take a single photo by myself :O Unusual... !

Now I really have to work on my essay for school.
BYE!!! :D

1 comment:

Amanda said...

It was a fun weekend, sorry i didn't make it friday :( but we can go clubbing next week on our easter break! :D