Hiiii! :]
For the second time in my bloghistory I write on english. I'll see if I keep it like this. Mean, it is not like writing in swedish. But I like it.
Hey, I forgot to post the thing I wrote last sunday, and I'm really sorry about that.
Have you seen Harry Potter and the Half-blood Price yet? If the answer is no: DO IT.
I <3d it. I think it is the best movie they've made (in HP-series), so far. First; the actresses are older and much more professional now than before (Oh! How small they were in the first film!); second, I absolutley love the plot and how can a HP-film that is based on the HP-book be boring? It's fantastic.
I have to confess that I've been a big fan of the HP-series ever since a read the first book. OK, my dad read it to me. And after I finished the last book, I started over again.
I always have one of this books in my shelf that has a bookmark in the middle of it. Serious. ;)
Here, I post a pic to. If you want to download wallpapers or other stuff go to http://www.mugglehub.com/. :)
There IS magic! (In the HP-series)
Lots of love
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