
C'est un morceau de la mode-art

It's a fashion piece of art. by me
It's autumn here in Sweden now. I mean - REAL AUTUMN. 
The leaves have begun to take inspiration from the colors of my autumns closet. The sky is grey, the clouds close to each other. I love this season. I get loads of inspiration. You could say that this is my best inspiration time. For everything. I am study-motivated, I am creative, I want to go training. I get obsessed. Right now I am obsessed w/ fashion. Again. And to draw w/ my wacom. And to party. And hanging out. And doing greeting cards. And watching tv-series. And kissing my cat. And doing makeup. And I am obsessed w/ tights. Jeans. Socks. Just everything you wear basically. Make it everything in everything.
I feel like I don't have enugh time.
And here Im sitting in front of my computer, drawing, making up plans, treating my cold, watching youtube-videos. Blogging. Im sitting here in my room, in my brown lace skirt, in my white lace top. You see, I am obsessed with lace too.
There's a big party tonight. Im sick but still going. Of course.
Best wishes and love,,
//Matilda <3

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