
Lady Gaga look alike

(not hahaha..)
I GOT DAILYBOOTH!!! So please U guys follow me there ;) It'll be fun! I'm gonna update as mush as possible, cuz it's so fun!
Just today, (when I'd been a member for like six seconds) when I uploaded a picture, right after it had loaded it just started to pop up comments!! I got a serval Welcomes and one even thought I looked like Amy Adams! Hahaha...
I do love dailybooth. You will to. Please go there and check it out. My name it the same as on Twitter, Callmemilla ( www.dailybooth.com/callmemilla ). Comment this post and tell me what ur username is, if ur already a fan of dailybooth, and we can follow each other ;))

This is what I looked like today. Or, at home x)
Lady Gaga inspired MakeUp ;))



Mean, everyone else is doing it..

What would YOU look like if you were an AVATAR? What would your special skills be? DO Avatars have special skills?? o.O Send me a pic, of you, Avatar-ized!


Thanks for making my day! :D

u've gotta watch it, hahaa..



Ego pics

Just a little hint for U guys, there it nothing that makes a blogger more happy for the moment than when checking her blog, see that there are some new comments to answer! Nothing. Except money.. ;)

I'm still ill, but I'm hoping and beging to god (haha...) that I will have my voice back tomorrow afternoon, cuz me and Ing are going to babysit, and it would be good if I could talk then. Or at least a little.

When you've been home for a couple of days like me, without going out, even for some fresh air, cause you're feeling ugly, it's pretty boring. And you're running out of fun things to do. What you SHOULD do is your homework, or cleaning, but that's boring, and the whole day ends with you going to bed without having no job done. It kind of sucks.

So... this is what I've done today..
  * Been lazy.
  * Wached Youtube vids.
  * Tried not so hard to study.
  * Took a shower.
  * Got dressed.
  * Did a funny Makeup.
  * Ate.
  * Stared at the cealing.
  * Made this stupid blog post. :)

Have a nice day!! //Milla

This surley dosen't look like me, does it?
Like the (I know, OLD) effect, though :)


Back in Sthlm

Hey! Sorry for the bad update, but here I am! Back in Stockholm again and unfortunately ... ill.
I look awful right now so my hand gets to speak instead of me ;)

I wrote it with my right hand, that's why it looks so pretty ;)
Yes, I'm left-handed.

Btw, It's WONDERFUL weather outside, 24 degrees and a blue sky!
It's a pity that I have to stay indoors.



Gröna lund !!

Im back!!
And yes, we had a really great time. No time for pics, unfortunatley, cuz my Camera run out of battery and i just dont have time today. Im going to gröna lund with emma ;) www.gronalund.se
If ill find å network there, ill try to update what we're doin'.
Sooo, u guys have å really great sunday and follow me on callmemilla @ twitter.

See ya! <3


Hiii Dear friends!!
Im at City Public Hostel right now, sitting in my bed, typing on my iPod. Eating Candy. Being lazy. We arrived to copenhagen 8 o'clock in the morning. Byt the check-in couldnt be done until noon. So we wandered around town, looked at houses and cool "I <3 copenhagen"-t-shirts.
What did you guys do today? ;)

Anyway, now we're like supertired and ... Znark.

Please follow me on twitter. Its much easier to write short posts on my iPod ;)

See ya there!!



While I'm gone, make sure to check my twitter for updates!
I'll try to blog, but you'll find me mostly on Twitter.



We're going!! We are like .... GOING TO COPENHAGEN!! Oh I couldn't be happier. I really need this trip. It's going to be so much fun.
Omg, so excited. I will tweet during my whole time there, so please keep updated on twitter. I'll try to blog to :) We're going to take pics like all the time so u will get some pics later too hahah ;)
See U there next Wednesday or Friday? ;)


Generatión Sexe Drogue et Vodka

 - Keen V



Yesterday was May Day - in Sweden called as "Valborg". It's a day when teens and adults met up at different places to get drunk. Literally. But the adults make it a bit nicer, like going BBQing with friends to have a great night, while the young people only drink to... well, drink. Hahahaa. . But it's fun ;)
The only tricky thing is to find a place to be..
  Well, my "May Day" was pretty ... wierd. Everything was pretty  messed up. But it Was fun (:
At first, I was sooo excited! Then, suddenly, I had nowhere to sleep. :O Then, me and Ing, was homeless for a while. We couldn't go anywhere x) Later, we found out that we could sleep at Sara's house. And we were excited again hahaha. The night was pretty confusing. Next time, we'll assure that everyone are at the same place, like, the same time. Then it will be much more fun!
If you find this post confusing - I understand you - please leve me a comment and ask for details, just say that I should write in another way or just anything, I'd be so glad if you commented! :D
  I have some pics that I took while we were homeless - me and Ingrid - but the rest of the evening went by without me taking any pictures at all, unfortunately.. :(
  Today I'm just going to study, I have a really important speech that I have to read on Monday.. But I'll maybe meet a friend :) What are your plans??
  I hope you'll have a great sat! <3
//Millaa <33