
Apple iPAD???

Oooh a new iPOD?? :D
No, it's the new iPad touch. Oh right.

Here's Apple's new version of a kinda like iPod. Besides it's... no iPod. And biiiiiiiig! It's seems pretty good, and I love the looks so much that I'd by it only for that. But it still seems pretty unnecessary. Mean, I have my iPod touch and this thing doesn't fit into my pocket. I'd need like a case only for that. And what if I'd dropped it!? It has a large touch screen, wow that's cool, but can you even imagine how unuseful that is? Like, the iPod touch is really good for watching vids while traveling, on the bus, in school, at lunch... But the only time you can use this seems like when you have somewhere to put it, coz it's like really big to just hold in your hands. And that is probably at home. And there you have your computer, right?



I REALLY do have to.

Yezz. I really REALLY need to do my homework now. Test in SO tomorrow. Please tell my why it is so hard to just do them before it gets pretty much too late??? If anyone knows, I'd like to know too.

I miss New year..

[Haha, nice pic! Are we looking good in our party-hats or are we looking good? ;)]
Loads of fun.. :)

And I miss my hair. My long, silky hair. Well, it still is silky, but, well, she cut almost 20 centimeters off so...

See?? Long? Yeahh.

Miss holidays. Now when school's in again, it's the only thing I can think about. Give me HOLIDAYY!!!



Gah. Great day..

Hi folks. After an amazing staying home in fromt of the computer-day, I'm going to bed early. In like. Half an hour. Sort of. I'm tired. How can I be, when I've only been home? Ok, I was at two "Open house" at like 7 or something. Cyber and Kärrtorp. Cyber was not that great. Kärrtorp was great though. Cyber had not-friendly students and skary teachers. I don't wanna go there. Kärrtorp had nice students and nice teachers. It seems nice nice nice there.
I don't think it will be any school for me tomorrow either. I have a cold. Like ALWAYS. I've been ill often lately. Irritating. Why?

A nice commet for the nice nailpolish?

Loooove //Milla<3

Finished growing :]



GAH!! GROW! Pleeaaaasee..?

BTW, if you think that I'm skipping school today I'm not. Well, I am home. But in illness. It should be boring if I haven't had farmville.. Well. I guess I COULD be studying. HAHA!! Joke. Never happen.

When you got nothing to do :)

I've started farming again !

LOVE this song about farmville!! It is also very addicting.. :D



I hate shy people...

Why don't just...

Rock it out??


Oh, HI!!!!

Heeeelloooo folks! Sometimes I just wish that I could cut myself into two so that I'd had time for both the things that I MUST do, and the things that I'd LIKE to do. Like blogging. It haven't been good, have it? I love blogging.
FRIIIDAYYYYY!!!!! Well, what are YOU going to do tonight?? Going out? Partyyy?? Stay home? Study? For me it's unfortunately the last alternative.... Or. Maybe I'll just check out some school websites and choose which school I'd like to go, and skip the studying. It's boring. But to get in on those schools that I'd like to go, I have to have pretty good grades I guess. Which school are you going to go? Or are you already going? Tell me!!!!! :D I'd love to know! If you have upper secondary school. I don't know wich countries that have it apart from Sweden...
ANYWAYYYY!! Have a goooood Friday! Myself, I'm going to do some school reaserch (like I said....), and then watch YouTube vids all night!!! YEY. I'm obsessed.

Loads of Loveee<3333 /MILLAA!!!


Time to choose..

Well. Now it's time to choose which upper secondary school I wanna start in. And which line I wanna go. It's difficult. It's just sooo many schools out there! I've never noticed that. But it is. And in less than a month, I have to send my applications-paper. So. I'm going to do some search of schools that have Media on their programs, coz I think that that's what I want to go. But I'm not sure. I was thinking of the stylist-line before, but then I realized that it may be hard to get jobs after school. So I think I'm gonna take the Media-line, and then go to after-school classes in MakeUp.
ANYWAY. So, I'm checkin' this page out.



Hell hell hell hell hell HELL!! The. Audio. Is. Messed. Up. F*ck.


I'm so happy! Yeah! Every moment I check my blog out and sign in I see how my Flag-counter are showing higher and higher numbers! Now, I'm over 900 pagewievs! And I have visitors from six countries. It's not like Kissies (famous blogger in Sweden), but you gotta start somewhere :) And I'm not only on the Internet to be famous. No. And, my counter have been set to zero several times.
 Well, I've got no more to say right now.. :) New VLOG commin' up soon. As soon as it's ready on Youtube. Oh I do HOPE that it's not like the others... I mean. With a messed up audio. Like.. A bit after the vid. It's so annoying.
Well. When the vid's done, I'll put it riiiight... HERE! Ok. Over this post. Promise.


Maybe go training today!! :O

Yess. I'm not joking folks. I maybe go training with Emma today :) That depends on if we can manage that. At least we're going to get a gymcard. It feels pretty wierd as I haven't been there since I was ten. Yes, I actually traind then. We went on this  Junior-thing once a week. Now, we're going to train just a little bit harder. I think we'll start with some kind of dace or just regular condition-training.
  As I hate any sport (especially gym-class!!!) that isn't fastest-typing-on-comuter-competition or MakeUp-race, I don't wanna be in it. But I've realized that it maybe is good to actually train sometimes. OK, I always knew that. But now it's going to be true. But, then I also thought about that it does excist sports that I actually like! Yes, badminton, for example. I like that. AND I like jogging. I don't really know if that counts as a sport but.. ;) And I like swiming. And ... er. Well, that's that.
  Soooo, I guess I'll see you later, and I'll maybe be uploading a new vid later on ;)
HAVE A GOOD SAT!! I will. Even if that means to run after the leader and put my arms in the air. Coz after, I can eat candy! Yam yam :D



This is one of the great moments you just want to share with the whole world. So I'll do it then. I JUST GOT MY FIRST RATE AND COMMENT ON YOUTUBE!!!! YEYYYYY!! Who's glad? I AM! The rate was a five star-rate (!!!!!) and the comment said that I've made a cool vlog! Even if it was in swedish and even if the audio was a mess! It wasn't good, but so WHAT? I'm happy! :D Thaaankyou youtube for making my day! :]


Hey again. This is my fourth vlog. Repeat FOURTH VLOG. Yes it's true. Omg, have I really done 4 vlogs??? Yes. Yes I have. And I'm so sorry that they are on swedish!! I really are. But if I'm going to do a vlog on english I think I'll need a little practice first. Not that I'm bad on english. Er. Just that I have to know what to say before I say it first. And I should do that when Iäm making those swe-vids too. Sorry. You just have to bare with this one, and then I'll make better vids. OK? Thanx.

HELL! The audio is messed up in this one too!! What am I going to do? Can you hacker/hi-tech/super-cool-peoples tell me how to get the audio right?? It works fine on my computer before uploading. Thanks! :)


:D !!!! I absolutley LOVE Fridays. Even if I'm not doing anything. I just LOVE only to know that it actually is Friday, and to know that I can do exactly what I want, and I don't have to think about school tomorrow, and it's Saturday tomorrow and another school-free day after that! Yey what I love the knowledge that I have all weekend left! :D


Omg, was thinking of blogging and maybe uploading a vid, but now I am in a hurry! Aaaah, I'm gonna be late for school.... again. And I hav'nt packed my bag or brushed my teeth or hair yet! Gah. Typical..


School. Yey.

Today was my kind of day. Or. Well. It was a day. I DID actually do alot at the lessions. And I DID pay attention to the teatcher. Sure, it was boring, and sure, I don't really know if I learnd something. But it's at least a good start.
I thought about something. This "blog-phenomenon", is it going to last? And who knows for how long?? Coz, I do love reading blogs, and I have my favourites. But, I've noticed that I like much more to watch videologs and vids instead of sitting and reading a text. I think that the whole "blogworld" will entirely pass over from typing to vlogging soon. So that's on of the reasons I bought (ok, is WAS a present :) that Blue eyeball. For vlogging. And recording of audio, music and stuff ofc ;)
But, I wanna know. What do YOU think?? Of the blogworld I mean. Will it last? Vlogging? Is that good? Bad? Please answer, I'd bee glad to now what you guys think :)
So I guess I'll put up another video soon. Not today. I've got alot of homework to do. And I just don't bare to fix my hair. You know, once posted on the internet, always on internet ;) ANOTHER QUESTION!! Is it important to look good if you're vlogging? Why? Any other opinion, random thoughts? Let me know! Comment!
Love //Mills<3


New T-shirt..

Think I'm gonna get one of those cool iJustine-T-shirts. :) Love'em! <3


HEYYY!! Long time no see! :) Sorry bout that. But it have been alot since my last post.. I've met friends. I've started school again... So I did a new vlog. AND THE AUDIO WAS AFTER IN THAT TOO!!!! Gaaah! WHY?! :( :(
But then I did a testvideo.. And it worked. The differens between the two vids is that in the one with the audio after I bouth filmed and recorded the audio with my blue eyeball. And in the testvid I filmed with the built-in-webcam in my computer and recorded the audio with my blue eyeball. Wierd huh? Well, here they are.



I've noticed all of my vlogs (ok, there are only two.) are like that. That the sound is after. Not good. Not my fault. Sorry.


2'nd vlog!

Soo I decided to do a very tiny mini vlog to you. Swedish again. Sorry about that. Alsaw sorry about the video quality. It's because of the lights. When you have good lightening, it's a good vid, when you have a bad lighttening, yeah, I guess you understand. Anyways, the video doesn't kepp up when I'm talking and moving. Sorry, again.




So I finally made a VLOG! Can you belive it? Nor can I.. Well, here it is: MY FIRST VIDELOG!

The reason why I finally made one of this popular videologs or vlogs, is because I think it's way much more personal to see the person while blogging, and more intresting. AND!!!! I GOT MY BLUE EYEBALL!!!! YEYYYYYY!! That's what I'm filming and recording the audio with!!! :D :D



Btw, it'll be with my Blue Eyeball... :)



I'm sorry. I just don't have time or strength to blog today :) It'll be another day? Tomorrow? OK. Let's say so. And I've got to sleep. First, I'm gonna watch a movie. Then go to sleep. EARLY!
Niiight! :)


Yesterdays shopping

Hi hi hi hi HI!
I just want to say that I'll have no time at all (except from this then..) for blogging today. So here's the little video that I made. Not well done at all but still a video :) Ijust wanted to show you the things I bought yesterday and what isn't better than a VIDEO!? I think You never see what they really look like on pics, so here you go :] A mini, not serious calwalk-videofrom me!

Vlog or some kind of vid :)

Sooo, I just uploaded my FIRST CLIP ON YOUTUBE!! Yeyyy! I got a channel to ;)
Wich is amazing. But I'm not really sure if the video is going to work, 'coz it didn't when I first was trying to play it. And it also took a veeery long time to upload. About an hour. I think I'm gonna do a shorter video next time. Oh, and by that time I may have gotten my Blue Eyeball mic + cam! So excited!!
Zooo, this clip's about me and Emma, sitting on the café, today (or yesterday, haha), saturday. We're talking ablout almost nothing, and everything haha! We're also talking is swedish so if you don't understand that, you may not understand, but anyways, you can have a look! ;)



Yeyeye! Saturday, lovley lazy saturday! :D
I'm sitting here, waiting for my tortelinis (you know, that delicius pasta..) to be ready. Then I'm going to meet up Emma at Skanstull, we're going at the big sell off. And I'm checkin' out some late christmas gifts for my cousins. I just checked out Kissies blog (I have to admit that, sorry), the biggerst blogger in sweden. Nearmost everybody here hates her. I only checks her blog 'coz I wanna know what she's up to. Haha it's a little fun actualy. Now she just wrote that someone had put out her personal blog pics on her new-operated-breasts. Oh yeah sure. She only want's attention. That's at least my opinion.
Well, anyway, I have to take of the pasta and eat now, so I'll se you later! :D
Have a good sat! //Milla<3


Robert pattinsons SISTER?

Whoa. I serched for some fun spoofs on youtube well now and look what I found:

A REALLY Robert Pattinson-look alike-girl. Actually playing Edward in a twilight spoof you can find here.
As someone commented: "ROBERT HAVE A LOST SISTER?!"

Se is very pretty, and she looks like a girl, so don't misunderstand me. But take a look at this pic. Just... very look-alike. :)

First January!!

Happy New Year!!!
Zoooo, I ordered my Blue Eyeball today, and it seems like it's commin' erliest on Wednesday. :) :) :)
I know I've been a bad blogger lately. But it's been kind of much. School  (oh DON'T wanna think about school!). Very much school. Then christmas presents and stress and other stuff.
Right now I'm using the Google Chrome browser, and it works pretty good actually. One minus is that right now when I'm typing, it's like red underlines everywhere. Ok, even if I AM spelling wrong (and I know I am, when I'm typing stuff like: HEYY!), but it's irritating. Otherwise, it's good. My Explorer had just sooo much useless things on the top that made the website so tiny. This is way much better. And faster.
I've considering to start writing in english again. Please exhuse my languageflaws if I'm continuing on that.
Well, IF I am continuing, I'll have to change the cathegories. To english. Yesss.

No pics commin' up today. I just don't have the energy to fix'em in photoshop, or mean, put the blog-name on'em. Just don't.
I think I'm sick. AGAIN. I have a sore throat. Maybe it's the punishment for me staying up till half past five this night. I know it costs to have fun on the New Year's eve. But still. Ouch.
